"The wind, one brilliant day, called."
Antonio Machado


Paul-André offers a number of services for those engaged in both undergraduate and graduate studies, having taught at both levels he is able to offer clients access to a distinctive skill set that can help them embody their lives and vocations more fully.  Paul-André draws on his experience both in and out of the classroom to assist clients in discovering a love, hunger, and enthusiasm for their bliss as it evolves over time.

Some of the services Paul-André offers are listed below, please feel free to reach out for a free initial phone consultation to determine how he may be able to help.

Victim Support Services for the LGBTQ Community


Sexual assault

Bias motivated incidents

Intimate partner abuse





Vocational / Educational / Career Services

Academic coaching

Time management

Executive functioning


Social anxiety

Performance anxiety

Organizational skills

Authentic life analysis

Interest analysis

Getting the job you want and love

Surviving the "change of major storm"


General Counseling

Sadness & Depression


Lack of Meaning

Grief & Loss

Life Coaching

Paul-André specializes in providing support for those managing a major mental illness while pursuing a higher degree.  This support can address a number of behavioral, social, and or cognitive challenges and is designed to assist clients in maximizing the benefits of their education.